Exam Oriented Pocket Friendly Mcq Questions - Free MCQ

Question:. 1 #rq-11
Governing Council of Social Sector Exchange shall have minimum of …...
Question:. 2 #rq-12
Governing Council of Social Sector Exchange need not include representation of the following stakeholder
Question:. 3 #rq-13
Governing Council of Social Sector Exchange shall have minimum ….meetings in a year
Question:. 4 #rq-14
Governing Council of Social Sector Exchange need to be constituted …....
Question:. 5 #rq-15
Name the First Exchange to get 'In-Principle Approval' to set up Social Stock Exchange
Question:. 6 #rq-16
Validate the Statement::: 'Corporate Foundations are not eligible to be registered on Social Stock Exchange
Question:. 7 #rq-17
Globally, the SSE concept was first tried out in …...
Question:. 8 #rq-18
Globally, in which year the SSE concepot was tried out for the first time
Question:. 9 #rq-19
Globally, Name the Stock Exchange which started SSE for the first time
Question:. 10 #rq-20
What was the first name of Social Stock Exchange across the world?